EUREKA International Short School Bilbao
Last milestone of Urban Innovators Training Program: Bilbao International Short School!
Students and participants of EUREKA Urban Innovators Training Program will meet from October 23 to 27 to present the final projects they have been developing during the last academic year.
This is the final meeting of our innovative learning process, where 60 students from Amsterdam, Venice, Timisoara and Bilbao have been working on new solutions to real-life urban challenges, acquiring new skills and knowledge to become urban innovators.
During the Bilbao International Short School, the students’ teams will present the proposals and actions they have implemented during the EUREKA Urban Living Labs. Partner organisations, mentors and other students will review their proposals in a final peer-to-peer evaluation.
The Short School will also include thematic meetings with local entrepreneurs focused on four key areas related to urban innovation: Housing, rehabilitation and youth, Economic development, job creation and green energy, New economy and sustainability, and Creativity, makers and cooperatives. During these encounters, students will meet with key stakeholders such as economic development agencies, social enterprises and creative organisations in order to share experiences, needs and opportunities.
The meeting will also be a moment to celebrate and share final insights, proposals and conclusions regarding the first edition of the Urban Innovators Training Program, a multidisciplinary curriculum designed jointly by universities, cultural practitioners and policy-makers for the rising professional profile of urban innovators.
You can find the full programme of the event here.

More photos can be found here.
Photo credit: Mikeldi Donibane Sanjuan
For each of our International schools we have created a simple press kit that we have shared among the partners and students to help them share the event with their networks and colleagues. Download one for the Bilbao school HERE.
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